Wednesday, September 21, 2011

real deal.

hannah robinson, RD has a nice ring to it.

RD = real deal.
RD = registered dietitian.


I'm going to be a registered dietitian when I grow up!

picnics and pantries = so credible.

back to school this year meant back to 3rd year.

7 years of undergrad 
+ 1 professional designation 
= okay with me.  

one of my dietetics classes requires me to maintain a blog documenting the next few years of the program.  if you want more dietetics and fewer kooky puns, come visit me in cyber space at:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

blogger's break = blogging break.

upon arriving home from africa, my head was swarming with new blog ideas.

for example:

what it is like to eat this.  [for lunch.  and for dinner.  every day.  for two months.]:

or how, under african apprenticeship, I learned how to make this amazing transformation:

and then I would have enlightened you with the adventures of collecting, cooking and eating fish straight from lake victoria:

or told you about the time we threw a dinner party for 11 on this tiny stove:

and then there were $5 feasts at the local indian restaurant:

and lastly I would have made you feel more at home by posting photos of outdoor markets:

I wanted to come home, with african recipes fresh in my mind and do this:

but instead, I did this:

good bye summer of 
adventurous cooking and exciting blog posts.
helllloo broken scapula!

after nearly a two month stint in sling, my broken shoulder is finally on the mend and I am able to:
- cook
- eat with my right hand
- type

food blogging necessities: check, check, check!