Wednesday, September 21, 2011

real deal.

hannah robinson, RD has a nice ring to it.

RD = real deal.
RD = registered dietitian.


I'm going to be a registered dietitian when I grow up!

picnics and pantries = so credible.

back to school this year meant back to 3rd year.

7 years of undergrad 
+ 1 professional designation 
= okay with me.  

one of my dietetics classes requires me to maintain a blog documenting the next few years of the program.  if you want more dietetics and fewer kooky puns, come visit me in cyber space at:

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up, don't ever give up. RD's are way cool. I used the one at the Veteran's Affairs Hospital + another one at my Primary Care Physicians's Office. They have really helped me to lower glucose and cholesterol. Didn't know the combination of food/junk intake was creating havoc in my body. Thank you. I love this page and you make it look so great. I will cook 1 or 2 of the items this w/e. Thanks, don't give up. Jim, aerobics/fitness addict.
