Wednesday, March 2, 2011

spaghetti [squash].

this last week I had a conversation regarding my blog with a friend.
k: "wait a minute.  you mean to tell me that your blog isn't for school...?"
h: "no.  it's a hobby."
k [dumbfounded]: "this changes everything."

 it's true.  my blog is for fun, and something I love.  
but the truth of the matter is, at this point, if it weren't for my sweet friends I'd be have no picnics, a full pantry and zero followers.

so this one is for all my friends and their dietary idiosyncrasies:
gluten free + dairy free + vegan 
{and all of you who just love delicious food}

I think I managed to find a meal that all of you can eat.

so now go ahead, make this delicious meal and shamelessly promote my blog to everyone you know.   

spaghetti [squash].

adapted from: eat clean
serves: 2

the goodies:
- 1/2 spaghetti squash (I cooked the whole thing and saved the rest for later)
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1/3 c. veggie broth
- 1/4. tsp. sea salt
- 2 tsp. crushed red pepper
- 1 bunch of kale
- 1/4 c. almond slices
- s & p

the fun part:
#1.) preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
#2.) spray or foil a deep baking sheet and place squash face down, put in the oven and set your timer for 30 minutes.
#3.) when your timer goes off, your squash won't be done, but it's time to rotate it in the oven, and set your timer for another 20 minutes.  this also gives you the perfect amount of time to finish the rest of your "pasta sauce".
#4.) on low, heat the 1/2 tbsp. of the oil while you get your kale ready: this involves cutting the leaves off and discarding the stems.
#5.) now that everything is ready to go, add the chopped garlic to the oil and sautee for 1 minute.  next add your broth to the skillet along with the crushed red pepper.  toss in the kale, give it a stir, and then cover it with a lid to let the steam soften it up.
#6.) play switcheroo and take your squash out of the oven, and put the almonds in to toast them slightly while you get the rest ready.
#7.) using a large spoon, scoop the cooked squash out of its shell.   use a fork to separate the strands, and mix in the remaining 1/2 tbsp. of oil.  transfer to your bowls or plates, top with your delicious garlic-y kale, and then sprinkle your newly toasted almonds on top to garnish. mmmm.

what your body will like:
#1.) kale: this delicious leafy green is chalked full of nutrients that your body will love.  vitamins a, d and k, along with with the mighty micronutrient calcium!  fun fact: kale contains 7 times the amount of betacarotene than broccoli, and 10 the amount of lutein - both of which help maintain good vision.  now you can see why I love kale so much.
#2.) spaghetti squash: when you compare the glycemic index (GI) of spaghetti noodles to spaghetti squash, you'll see a big difference.  the pasta variety measures in at around 59, while the squash alternative is <20.  the lower the GI, the longer it takes for your body to break down carbohydrates and absorb them.  what does this mean?  it means, lower GI foods result in: increased satiety, prolonged physical endurance, improved sensitivity to insulin and improved diabetes control.  win!


  1. Guess what! I can't eat this 'cause I'm allergic to nuts! Come on, Han. :D
